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No earthly leader is a saint, and yes, no matter how much good President Trump has done for this country he has also made huge mistakes. I am not a Democrat or a Republican, I am not religious either, even though I was born in Greece and was baptised in the Greek Christian Orthodox church. I never voted in my life and never will because one is my Creator and Ruler, our Father in heaven, and one is my King, Jesus Christ. I believe God is in control and nothing happens for no reason. But, I also believe that Father listens to our prayers. Prayers are very powerful, and that our prayers are looked upon by our Father in heaven because it has been proven many times that our prayers can also influence our Fathers decisions. Moses did it! (Exodus 32:12-14) Just like a child can also influence his earthly fathers decisions here on earth. If we place our complete trust in God and Jesus then we too become one with them in Spirit, as faithful members of the same family.


(1 Cor 2:16). "Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ.


I'm on President Donald J. Trump's side but this does not mean that I agree with all he says and does. The Shadow Government and the Deep State know that their time is short and are doing everything in their power to cause him to fail. They already tricked him into believing that Assad gassed his own people and this is why he allowed our troops to attack them. That was a huge mistake and he might make more. After all he is only human. I just pray and hope God will not allow him to be influenced by those evil people. But on the other hand, I strongly believe our Father in heaven is in control and I trust only God and His Son and our Lord Jesus Christ. Let their will be done on earth as it is in heaven! I also strongly believe that we are living in the time of the Great Awakening because many souls are being exposed of their true character. By their fruit ye shall know them! I've been saying this many times, and I will say it again...


If there's hate in you, you are none of His! May our Lord Jesus Christ keep opening the eyes of those who are still asleep.

How Today's News Proves Last Times Warnings

We all know that Wars are imminent, but do we know the exact day and time?

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